Separate names with a comma.
You need to post pics of your shop. If I can find one, the 2hp dust collector. I'm within a month or so of starting my shop build in the new...
Went to the HF in Toccoa, GA on Saturday. Store was nice, one of the newer formats. Unfortunately, they were out of the 2hp dust collector....
Yep, sorry, I missed that. Try anyway. :)
It's a crapshoot. Sometimes the POS software will not allow the discount, other times it will. If it doesn't, you speak up, and it comes down to...
...a wish list feature. I keep track of future Amazon purchases using's Amazon's "My List" feature. I wish Harbor Freight would do the same....
Follow up comment: A few years back, HF was the go to place for benchtop drill presses. But they've fallen behind. Ryobi's 10" press is...
Nice mod. Very neat.
Nice mod!
My wife has gotten a hold of the two I bought. She likes them. Doubt I'll see them again. :) Have to buy some more.
A man can never have too many trailers. :)
I'm always in favor of re-purposing old stuff and wringing more value out of things, but I find that used wood lathes are almost always available...
Built this carry all over the weekend to sit on top of my box blade. My 40 year old Yanmar tractor lacks the creature comforts and niceties of...
Interesting hack. What do you use the press for?
Long term update on this pin nailer: We now have two of these. It's become so essential to my wife's business, we bought a second one, just in...
Trailers are back!
Arty, great stuff.
For me, it's the farm jack. I think I spent about $29 for it, with coupon, about 14 years ago. I have used it to: Lift my neighbor's docks out...
Great hack!
If you've been shopping HF that long, you probably have a strong opinion on HF quality, then vs. now.