What Happened To Harbor Freight Trailers Online?

Discussion in 'Cargo, Trailers, & Towing' started by Ben, Oct 17, 2017.

  1. puckninja

    puckninja New Member

    The 'super duty' 1720lbs max load trailer is on sale with coupon for $349 til 5/31. From what I've read pretty comparable to the past when they still accepted 20% coupons on the trailers. I picked one up couple days ago after weighing my decision between the 'heavy duty' 1190lbs load and the 'SD' 1720lbs and found most people were saying the same thing about the smoothness of the 5lug wheels, ultimately my 'but what if' hormone got the best of me and I ponied up the extra $90 (HD $259 vs SD $349) I decided on the 1720lbs load. I like the idea of being able to fold it up and hopefully tarp it with a ping pong table cover I got lying around. Just started the assembly today, hope to wrap it up tmw and get it registered. (My assistants were not so assisting) Instructions are lacking but the illustrations are better detailed.

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  2. Ben

    Ben Administrator Staff Member

    Awesome @puckninja - thanks for sharing! My helpers are the same. It’s worth it though to have them interested and taking part. I’m sure I was always underfoot with my dad when he’d work on cars, but I learned so much from watching and (eventually) actually helping.

    I’m super jealous of you guys getting these HF folding trailers. When I was in the market, it was the dry spell and while I do love my Carry-on 4x7, I still secretly wish I could’ve gotten an HF one. Let us know how it tows when you get it all assembled!
  3. puckninja

    puckninja New Member

    So it took a little longer than I expected, ran into a snag with the towlight wiring. So IF ANY OF YOU RUN INTO A WIRING ISSUE WHERE THE TRAILER LIGHTS DON'T TURN ON, it's likely a grounding issue. Here's what I did to resolve (full disclaimer, I am no electrician) Not only do you need to scratch some paint off to get to the bare metal for your ground wire and screw for good contact, you need to keep in mind each piece of the trailer does not 'connect to close the circuit'. To make a long story short, I hooked everything up and could not figure out why the lights weren't turning on until I realized I was grounding the rear lights just to the rear frame. And since the trailer pieces are assembled with no bare metal exposed or touching, the trailer chassis isn't continuous thus multiple grounding points don't work. I used a patch cable to connect the left rear light to the front ground location and piggybacking the side light on the way. See pictures. The manual is not written well but the illustrations are detailed well enough to follow if you examine it closely. My last issue are with the casters. The space to clamp the caster to tighten down becomes to narrow as you tighten. See pic. You'll need a thin wrench or something. I have not finished this last step. Other than that, the assembly was pretty easy, just tedious. Good luck & Happy builds! Would love to follow any custom builds like campers using the HF chassis.

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  4. Ben

    Ben Administrator Staff Member

    Oh man that’s aggravating when you run into stuff like those casters. I think I had the same issue and one of my flat router wrenches happened to fit it. Looks good though man, let us know how it tows!
  5. puckninja

    puckninja New Member

    Appreciate the tip, Ben! I was able to tighten the casters using my coax crimper pliers. Happen to fit well and get a good grip. Tows real smooth unloaded! Didnt notice any bouncing or swaying at 50mph. The fenders rattle on speed bumps but that's a given when you see how they are attached. Folds pretty easily after removing the 4 carriage bolts and pair of bolts in the center. Love how it fits in the garage. Im going to rig something up for quicker and easier install/removal of center bolts. I'll update again down the road (no pun intended) after I've put in a floor, built side rails and put on some miles. Also plan to rerun the wires in some conduit to clean it up (prob should have done that from the get go) 20190506_094529.jpg 20190506_094517.jpg
  6. Ben

    Ben Administrator Staff Member

    Sweet man, glad you got it worked out! I wonder if something like these would work on your carriage bolts? Maybe with a lock washer they’d hold?
  7. puckninja

    puckninja New Member

    Carriage bolts wont work for those center spots, nothing to anchor to. I might try a wing nut or pin and bolt.
    Finished trailer and 1320lb load pic. I used 1/4" split conduit to protect the wires and keep them from sagging. The 1/4" fit perfectly through the holes in the frame that the wires run through and just enough room to squeeze in 3 or 4, 16g wires. Pulls real smooth, handled that load at a hair above 55mph with no drag (80ish occasionally ) barely noticed it, no hiccups so far (knock on wood) folds up neat and tidy. Takes about 2min to take care of the 4 folding bolts. Eventually I'll build up some removable walls. Overall I'm really pleased with the result and would def recommend one to anyone in need of a hauling trailer. Happy building!

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  8. Ben Staad

    Ben Staad New Member

    Unless I'm searching wrong these are back off the site. So sad because I wanted to pick one up in the near future.
  9. mike

    mike New Member

  10. djb383

    djb383 Member

    Hey puckninja........great post/pics, bet you enjoy it, I really have. With regard to the trailer lights, I just buy a roll of white wire and run a ground direct to the lights from the 4 pole plug. Works every time.:)

    Handy as a pocket on a shirt. I added 5.70X8 tires to make it a little lower for hauling at slow speed around town. I'll put the 12s back on if I hit the highway.

    Our local HF currently has them in stock and on sale......Heavy Duty $260, Super Duty $350.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2019
  11. djb383

    djb383 Member

    Go to the HF website, click "get coupons". The heavy duty trailer coupon ($260) says "available in stores, online or by calling an 800-423-2567.
  12. Doug C

    Doug C New Member

    I've been look around for a base for Kayak/Zodiac Inflatable trailer and the HF 1720 is perfect for my needs.
    PROBLEM - Got a great coupon yesterday, but can't find a trailer anywhere in the VA/MD area. HF website says "In Store Only".
    Called HF and got nowhere fast; have they stopped making these trailers again?
    Reviews on HF website give posting dates of yesterday - am I missing something or living in the wrong zipcode?
    Can I order on online and pickup in a store?
  13. Berto

    Berto New Member

    Im in Ct and am also looking for the 4x8 and haven't been able to locate one with in a 100 miles. Sad that they have a coupon out right now for a product they dont have. Does anyone know if they are available anywhere? Im in Ct and willing to drive to get one.

    any updates on these trailers would be appreciated. Thanks.
  14. NurseRobert

    NurseRobert New Member

    I was looking for one this month and contacted the company directly. There response was "The item has been discontinued by the manufacturer and is no longer available for shipping through our website. It would be available only as a clearance item in a small number of our retail locations. "
  15. NurseRobert

    NurseRobert New Member

  16. rbstern

    rbstern Administrator Staff Member

    That's too bad. Was a really good and popular HF item.
  17. Dan

    Dan New Member

  18. Dan

    Dan New Member

    You are absolutely correct! Mike sees it online because they have it on their site however you will see that it’s marked in store only. I went to order one online and was trying to use the current coupon
    It would not go to the next page to put it in. I contacted IT/cs and They told me to put the coupon code in the coupon box. Amazingly within a matter of minutes the changed the item to in store only! No more coupon code box and now is marked in store only! I have been dealing with them for 3 or 4 days via email and they keep lying to me over and over. I went to the store AGAIN and they told me they don’t order them anymore cuz they don’t get sent to them if they try to order from corporate. Now they won’t return my emails. I’m fighting though for the truth and will post a follow up after I try calling.
    They will not sell you this trailer and are posting fake reviews! Some are actually persuasive! 51E2F88E-0147-4B69-90B4-E2C24CAA37BC.jpeg
  19. rbstern

    rbstern Administrator Staff Member

    Suggestion, guys: Since this trailer appears to be at the end of the HF road, keep an eye on Craigslist. Every once in a while, you'll see these listed. Even in rough shape, it's an easy restore project.
    Dan likes this.
  20. Dan

    Dan New Member

    I’ve been doing that too but there hard to find.

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