New Harbor Freight Lights

Discussion in 'Power Tools' started by countryboyco99, Jan 6, 2018.

  1. Not sure if this is the right place for this but it kinda is a power tool. Does anyone have any of the new led lights that have been recently added.



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  2. Okuma

    Okuma Administrator Staff Member

    I don't have one but I may pick up one of those headlamps or folding LED lights this week, they look really cool! I'll post a little review if I manage to pick one up.
  3. I have been wanting to get one of the folding ones my self.

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  4. rbstern

    rbstern Administrator Staff Member

    Reviews on the HF site are readlly good. I'm going to have to try some of these.
  5. Ben

    Ben Administrator Staff Member

    Yes, we are living in a golden era of cheap lighting! And as I see it, the cheaper ones are getting better and better.
  6. rbstern

    rbstern Administrator Staff Member

    It is amazing. I've ordered two sets of these for workshop use:

    They are lightweight, durable, ridiculously easy to install, and use very little power, compared to other forms of workshop lighting. We're building a house and I've already told the builder all lighting will be LED.
  7. Ben

    Ben Administrator Staff Member

    Yes! I actually added a 24" LED strip light to the attic this weekend (the one from HD), and I also replaced one of the last FL tubes in my house with a 3' LED one. It's a lot brighter than the 2' FL one that was in there. It's a bit warmer color too, which I like (bright white vs daylight FLs).
  8. Okuma

    Okuma Administrator Staff Member

    081ED7DF-7A42-46D2-B3A3-C23050A88B06.jpeg Just picked up the headlight and the folding light, I’ll review them once I get a chance to open them.
    Ben and countryboyco99 like this.

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