Labor Day Sale

Discussion in 'Sales & Specials' started by Ben, Aug 30, 2018.

  1. Ben

    Ben Administrator Staff Member

    Y’all have any big purchases planned for the Labor Day sale? They have the 25% coupon for use on Labor Day. I’m currently outfitting my shop, so I might try to use it on a large tool or bench maybe.
  2. rbstern

    rbstern Administrator Staff Member

    You need to post pics of your shop.

    If I can find one, the 2hp dust collector. I'm within a month or so of starting my shop build in the new house, hence the dust collector. So far, have only done lighting. Will post progress pics.
  3. Ben

    Ben Administrator Staff Member

    I actually used the coupon on the 2hp dust collector too @rbstern I will post pics of the shop soon. I'm actually out of town at the moment studying the craft that the shop is being built for. :)

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