Hf Folding 4x8 Trailer

Discussion in 'Cargo, Trailers, & Towing' started by djb383, Mar 4, 2019.

  1. djb383

    djb383 Member

    Newbie here, and sorry if this has been asked before, but have a couple of questions.

    Other than the larger tires (5.30X12 vs 4.80X12) and larger coupler (2" vs 1 7/8") is there much else different between the 1720 lb folding trailer and the 1195 lb folding trailer?

    Has anyone converted the 4X8 to a 4X4 by moving the spring perch assembly forward? Thanks.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2019
  2. djb383

    djb383 Member

  3. rbstern

    rbstern Administrator Staff Member

    Wish I knew the answer. It could be the tires, but there's a chance the axle or bearings aren't as stout on the lighter trailer.

    Let us know if you find the answer.
  4. Ben

    Ben Administrator Staff Member

    Yeah I don’t know either, but I have found HF to be responsive when contacting them by email. I’d recommend sending them these questions and then posting what they say here for others to see!
  5. djb383

    djb383 Member

    Went ahead and bought the HF 4X8 foldable (1720 lb). Modified the front half slightly to allow the spring hangers to be moved forward to make a 4X4 stand-up utility trailer. If/when needed, it won't take much to add the back half and mount the spring hangers in their original location. Stores in the garage, one man up/down, plenty of room still for the cars. Easy to pull behind our CRV and RAV4. Handy as a pocket on a shirt so far. Pleasantly surprised that it came with LED lights.

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Apr 5, 2019
    rbstern and Ben like this.
  6. Ben

    Ben Administrator Staff Member

    Awesome, nice hack! Impressed that they come with LEDs. My Tractor Supply 4x7 lights have been a huge pain. About to require it (again), this time all around and with waterproof LEDs and a third brake light.

    Congrats on the trailer man. Should last a long time.
  7. Spencer Clegg

    Spencer Clegg New Member

    @djb383 - I am going to be doing this mod based on our post. Any details you can provide would be appreciated.

    The silver, metal piece was added on I assume?
    Does the tongue still fold?
    Did you add the center caster on the rear?
    Anything else?

  8. djb383

    djb383 Member

    Yes, I added the silver metal piece….little more support since I used 1/2” plywood. The tongue will fold but since this is the 4’X4’ short version it stands up in our garage without folding. There’s no center caster….optical illusion in the pic. I built four 12” wood sides using 90 degree metal brackets, bolts and wing nuts for quick/easy install/removal. Comes in handy to have a flatbed or sides. Regarding the lights, I run ground wires direct to both left and right lights vs grounding on the frame. Cleaned original bearing grease out and repacked with name brand top quality grease. That about covers it.
    rbstern likes this.
  9. rbstern

    rbstern Administrator Staff Member

    Thats's a great hack!
  10. Eric Davidson

    Eric Davidson New Member

    OMG, this hack solves my problem deciding between the big and small trailers. Can I get more specifics about how you did it?

  11. Eric Davidson

    Eric Davidson New Member

    Hi Ben, do you have any specifics on how he completed this hack?

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