Greenhouse Build

Discussion in 'Hacks & Projects' started by rbstern, Mar 28, 2019.

  1. rbstern

    rbstern Administrator Staff Member

    Got started on a greenhouse build. Still trying to use up leftover house building materials, and finally finding a way to use up some of the leftover OSB. The contractor ordered way too much manufactured stone for the decorative water table wall on the front of the house, so at least some of that extra stone is going to get used on the greenhouse.

    Best HF tool used on this, by far, is the nylon 12 in rafter angle/speed square. That thing is fast and awesome for marking straight cuts. The free tape measures have come in handy, too. Love the fractional markings, but wish the measuring tape was a bit stiffer. It gets fiddly when trying to measure anything over 6 or 7 feet on the vertical, or unsupported horizontal.

    greenhouse 1.jpg greenhouse 2.jpg
  2. rbstern

    rbstern Administrator Staff Member

    Great weather this weekend, so the wife and I made a big push to get it finished. A few finish details to work on, but it's functional, and we planted some vegetables in the attached garden. It's now us against the deer.

    greenhouse 3.jpg

    greenhouse 4.jpg
    Ben likes this.
  3. Ben

    Ben Administrator Staff Member

    Holy crap man, that’s amazing! I want one! I’ve looked at the cheapo kits, but this is like a huge value added to your property. Congrats!
  4. rbstern

    rbstern Administrator Staff Member

    Thanks, Ben.

    Next up is a chicken coop, which will roughly mimic the shape (slant roof) of the greenhouse, but at about 60% of the size. It will be adjacent to other end of the fenced garden area. The idea is the chickens will have access to the garden area as a run. I don't think we can let them have unlimited access. Too many predators. There will be some type of door or gate from their penned area.

    I'm still doing finish work on the inside of the greenhouse: Putting in Harbor Freight anti-fatigue foam mats over roofing felt for the floor covering. Think it's gonna work out well.
  5. rbstern

    rbstern Administrator Staff Member

    Meant to add: The greenhouse build was way cheaper than a kit. In addition to leftover OSB, PT lumber, and stone from the house build, we're fortunate to have a nearby door manufacturer that buys surplus windows. Huge parking lot of odds-and-ends windows from Atlanta area home construction. Their windows go for about 30% of new; saved us a lot of time over hunting down Craigslist deals for windows.

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