Assembling The 14" Bandsaw

Discussion in 'Power Tools' started by Ben, Sep 26, 2018.

  1. Ben

    Ben Administrator Staff Member

    Man, I'm in the middle of assembling the 14" bandsaw, and it's been a bit of a PITA. First, several of the illustrations in the instructions are kind of off, and several assumptions had to be made (with regard to which parts were being referenced). And then, it seems like the manual that came with the tool didn't match the way the current version of the tool was packaged. I finally found an updated version of the manual on the website and it's a little better, but still not perfect.

    I guess the redeeming thing here is that the saw was very well priced, and I'll forget about the frustrations of assembly once I've been using it for a while.
  2. rbstern

    rbstern Administrator Staff Member

    I did it about 15 years ago. If it's any consolation, my saw has seen a lot of wood over the years, and it cuts every bit as good today as day one. One of my oldest HF purchases.

    Lots of YouTube help if you're stuck.
    Ben likes this.
  3. Ben

    Ben Administrator Staff Member

  4. Ben

    Ben Administrator Staff Member

    Got it finished. It’s pretty shaky when running. Might have to do some tweaking on the tension of the pulleys and maybe even try those linked ones.

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